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Our new Swiss Navy 4-in-1 Playful Flavors offer multi-purpose pleasure options: Warming, Edible, Lubricant,Massage. Playful Flavors is lube for every lover’s lifestyle. From frisky foreplay to surreal sex, 4-in-1 PlayfulFlavors makes it easy to explore ways to add more play to every love life.
Key Benefits of 4 in 1 Playful Flavors:
4-in-1 Playful Flavors promise playful pleasure in all its forms!Flavored and scented lubricants can be a fun way to introduce oral sex to a partner who might be a little hesitant.Warming lubricants are designed to enhance the sensory experience of sex.Research by Debby Herbenick, PhD, author of 'Because It Feels Good: A Woman's Guide to SexualPleasure and Satisfaction', found flavored lubricants may help people get past shyness about oral sex.
D I D Y O U K N O W ?
WILD PASSION FRUIT: Passion fruit is called passion fruit for a reason! There is evidence it’s been shown toimprove sexual function.